Strategies pressure groups use to bring about a change -M4

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)

CND currently want to eliminate british nuclear weapons and global abolition of nuclear weapons, this would mean shutting down Trident. They want weapons of mass destruction banned and eliminated  e.g.

  • chemical weapons
  • biological weapons (1)

They have used campaigns to show the cruel treatment of nuclear weapons in the middle east to US and British people. This broadened the anti-nuclear campaigns in the 1960.

In March 2007 CND organised a rally in parliament square to renew the weapons system after the trident missile. Over 1000 people attended and the outcome was 161 MPs voted against it 88 of them being labour. The final decision weather trident will continue will take place in 2016. (2)



Greenpeace use peaceful strategies to bring about a change. In 1975 twelve soldiers sailed to Amchitka, Alaska to stop US detonating a nuclear weapon. By placing themselves in the blast zone and lots of media coverage the US government ended its nuclear tests there on 1972.

As well as using peaceful protests greenpeace also like to make sure politicians are keeping their promises and expose them if they are not. (3)



  1., website, 07-01-2015
  2., website, 07-01-2015, website, 07-01-2015

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