GMOs (Genetically modified organisms) M3

GMOs (Genetically modified organisms)
  • Have a resistance to herbicides, viruses, diseases and insects. This means that less herbicides will be needed.
  • Produced quicker therefore there is a quicker crop turn around and animals can produce more (eggs, milk, meat etc)
  • Have better taste and quality.
  • Better shelf life and can be transported longer distances.
  • Can be modified to be more nutritious and produce some vitamins.
  • Medicines like natural insulin that is taken from the pancreas of a pig or cow. Now can be created using modern technology from GM bacteria. This means that vegetarians or vegans can use insulin and not worry about where it came from. (1)
  • Genetically modifying animals mead they are resistant to diseases.
  • Are more environmentally friendly because they conserve, soil, water and energy.
  • GMO technology is more predictable than traditional breeding as genes are not randomly selected the parents. We can choose what genes to turn on and off. (4)
  • GMOs are not natural but not everything in the natural world is good for human consumption. (4)
  • GM food has not been around for a long time therefore we do not know what the long term effects are.
  • StarLink corn was found is some stores but was never intended for human consumption. It was designed for pigs. But if the pig are being fed with corn that should not be consumed for humans why are we consuming the pigs that have been fed it in the first place.(2)
  • Could they trigger allergies or diseases in humans, as the DNA has been changed.
  • Herbicide resistant crops could cause superweeds that we can not stop wiping out the crops. This could also lower the biodiversity as you will be killing weeds that some animals live off. Its the same with bacteria you could end up creating bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics.(3)
  • GMOs rase some animal rights concern as they test GM food on animals and animals can be a source of some genotypes. for example genetic material from coral and jellyfish have been used to make glowing fish mice and rabbits of novelty purpose. (5)
Depending on where you were born how you were brought up will depend on your attitudes to GMOs e.g. People that have seen world hunger say GMO food could solve this problem as they can now engineer food to grow in harsh conditions and have a higher yield. Farmers see GMOs as good as they can produce more crops, use less herbicides (which are expensive), breed animals that produce more meat/milk. Some of the society will see this as the farmers being greedy and wanting to make more money, which in a way is true as they are the ones making profit from it and killing biodiversity. (7) A study done by Brookes and Barfoot supports these views as they show that farmers incomes have increased by 50% since 2009. (8)
The negative will make people who care about the world around us scared, as we do not know  what they can do with this power what they can create. It could cause problems with weeds (superweeds) and decreased biodiversity.
At the moment a lot of people stand on the fence about this problem as it could cure world hunger but it could be dangerous to the environment and humans. There are also many places where GMOs are illegal e.g. Swaziland, South Australia, New Zealand, Austria, Greece, Mexico Holland and many more. This make you think are they really good for you and why are they illegal? (6)
  1. bbc education website, 28-11-2014
  2. website, 28-11-2014
  3. Science website, 18-11-1014
  4. animal rights website, 07-12-2014
  5. Animal rights website, 07-12-2014
  6. GMOs Blog, 07-12-2014
  7. GMOs Blog, 07-12-2014,-profitable-and-productive-agriculture-continues-to-be-boosted-by-the-contribution-of-biotech-crops  Study by Brooks and Barfoot, 13 april 2011, published Dorchester, UK, 12-12-2014

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